Most business owners will tell you that their most unpredictable expense every month is their energy cost. Here are 6 ways to reduce your business energy costs.
Every month the same electricity bill comes in the mail, and you might not think too much about paying it, it’s the cost of doing business – right?
Take a moment to look at your electricity bill and consider the power you are paying for, and then think, what else could I do with this money?
1. Get an Energy Evaluation.
The first step to energy efficiency is finding out where your energy is going every month. Depending on your energy company, you may be eligible for a free audit of your entire business’s energy usage. Our team at Inferno Solar are qualified to take a closer look at your monthly energy charges and make suggestions on how to up your efficiency game.
2. Turning off lights and equipment when not in use.
It might seem like a no-brainer, but in most business equipment and lights stay on in areas like lunchrooms, front entrances, shops and offices even when the space is not being used.
Switching your light bulbs to LED’s or sensor lights and making sure equipment and lights get shut off every day will make a big impact on your energy consumption thus lowering your monthly energy bill. Every little bit counts.
3. Natural light, take advantage of it.
Let in the sunshine! Open blinds and curtains around your business to make the best use of natural light. Not only will the sunlight lower your need for artificial lighting, but it will also benefit employees with better health and a a pleasant work environment.
4. Install a programable thermostat.
A programable thermostat lets your control the temperature of your business when no one is there most nights and weekends.
With a programmable thermostat you can set the temperature to increase 30 minutes before people arrive to work and then drop 60 minutes after they leave. Vice versa for air conditioning.
But be aware, there are minimum temperatures your business will need when vacant to prevent any freezing or overheating.
5. Consider alternative renewable energy, Solar!
Using renewable energy sources such as solar to power some or all of your business can help lower your business energy costs over time. It is similar to renting electricity vs buying a generator. Based on available grants, rebates, and funding, there may never be a better time in Alberta to invest in solar.
6. Purchase energy-efficient office equipment.
Before buying or leasing office equipment, check to see if its ENERGYSTAR-rated. ENERGY STAR certified is a simple choice for energy efficiency, making it easy for consumers and businesses to purchase products that save them money and protect the environment.
With our complimentary energy analysis, we can show you the ways to save on your energy costs. So feel free to reach out!
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