Project Details

Ice Cream Depot

  • Location:

    Nisku, Alberta

  • Project Type:

    Tilted Rooftop Solar Array

  • Energy Generation Per Year:

    648,946 kWh

  • Project Size:

    1,860 Solar Panels

Our Challenge

Reduce customer electricity demand billing charges with clean energy

Highly congested rooftop, many rooftop natural gas lines, new refrigeration equipment being added, structural limitations, high winds, and winter construction environment with frozen roof surface, condensed construction timeline, utility protective requirements.

Our Solution

Inferno Solar engaged directly with all stakeholders to carefully coordinate the solar array with structural, mechanical, and refrigeration trades.

Inferno Solar engaged directly with all stakeholders to carefully coordinate the solar array with structural, mechanical, and refrigeration trades.
Inferno hired a gasfitter to rerun surface gas lines to accommodate the solar array, thereby reducing wind uplift forces and ballast (weight) requirements to the satisfaction of the structural engineer, and allowing more room for solar panels. Winter construction environment had weather ranging from -30C to +10C. Inferno took advantage of warm weather days to move rooftop washed rock covering to enable solar to carry on during colder weather, and prefabricated many of the racking structures inside. Finally, Inferno worked closely with Fortis to ensure the large microgenerator was safe and would not disrupt their system.